Col Jesse P. Jacobs, Jr., USAF 1923-

Colonel Jacobs received the Legion of Merit for meritorious service as Director and test pilot on the C-5A Test Force. It was at the time, one of the world's largest aircraft. During his 46 years in aerospace, Jacobs logged more than 10,600 flight hours in over 100 types, models and series of aircraft. He flew 28 combat missions over Germany in B-17's in World War II. He added 121 combat missions in F-80's in Korea. He served as a test pilot for more than 19 years at Edwards, Wright Patterson and Holloman Air Force Bases.

Jacobs served as Test Director and pilot of the XC-142 Tri-Service V/STOL Test Force. Significant test flights included performance, handling qualities and operational evaluation. He also conducted a wide variety of tests on B-17, B-26, B-29, B-47, B-50, B-52 and B-57 aircraft, which included a six-engine XB-52, that had four inboard J-57's, and two J-75 afterburning engines.

Jacobs' awards include the Legion of Merit, Distinguished Flying Cross, Airman's Medal Air Medal with 11 clusters and Air Force Commendation Medal with cluster. He is a fellow in, and received the Wings of Man Award from, the Society of Experimental Test Pilots and was named to the Aerospace Walk of Honor in 1996.