Fred Davy Knox, Jr. served as lead pilot for the X-31 Post Stall Demonstrator Aircraft, the Ranger 2000 JPATS experimental jet trainer and the Boeing X-32 Joint Strike Fighter. He was a high angle-of-attack project pilot on the F-22, completed 120 flights in the X-31 and the first flight of the X-32A.
Knox graduated from the
Knox graduated from the USAF Test Pilot School – Class 80A with distinctions, realizing his dream of becoming a test pilot. He served as test pilot and operational director at VX-4 and as special project test pilot for the 6513th Test Squadron on several classified programs. He was also an instructor at the US Navy Test Pilot School. In 1989 Knox joined Rockwell, serving as chief pilot on the X-31 and later as chief pilot for the Ranger 2000. From 1997 to 2001, Knox was chief test pilot on the Boeing X-32 Experimental Concept Demonstrator Aircraft, completing the first flight of the X-32A on
The first pilot to be selected as a Boeing Technical Fellow, Knox has received the Smithsonian Air and Space Award for Current Achievement as a member of the X-31 International Test Organization. A Fellow in the Society of Experimental Test Pilots, he has served several terms on their Board of Directors. In all he has flown over 5,000 hours in various aircraft.