S/Ldr Jack Bertram Wales DFC,OBE,TD 1917-1956

The City of Manchester 613 Aux Squadron. Jack Wales sitting on wing.

Avro Vulcan Prototype VX770 Flown Cover,signed by Avro Test Pilot Sqn Ldr Jack Bertram Wales.

Jack Wales, O.B.E., D.F.C., T.D was a production test pilot with A. V. Roe, and had peformed important research flying in the three small Avro 707 aircraft which prepared the way for the Vulcan bomber.He made the maiden flight of Avro 707C WZ744 on 1st July 1953

Jack Wales was born in January, 1917. He joined the Armny in 1936 and was later commissioned in The Manchester Regimnent. In 1940 he was seconded to the Royal Air Force and served as a fighter pilot in India and the Far East, during which time he was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross for gallant services. He joined 613 (City of Manchester) Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force in 1945 and was appointed commanding officer of the squadron in 1949. In the same year he was awarded the Territorial Decoration. Three years later he was appointed O.B.E. for his services to the Royal Auxiliary Air Force. Before the war he had worked in the A. V. Roe company's experimental department and he rejoined the firm as a production pilot two years after the war. In the following years he had performed much of the highly arduous research flying necessary to the evolution of the company's delta winged aircraft - the Vulcan.Sqn Ldr Wales was killed on the 7th December 1956 when the prototype Avro Shackleton Mk3(WR970) crashed whilst on a test flight from Woodford,killing all onboard.