Mgen Marion.E.Carl 1915-1998

Marion E. Carl's aviation career was marked by pre-eminent accomplishments. A WWII Fighter Ace, he was among the first marines to fly a jet and served as the Commander of the Navy's first jet fighter squadron (VMF 122). Carl was the first Marine to be designated a helicopter pilot and was the first military pilot to use full pressure suit. Carl set the world speed record of 650.6 mph (1947) in the Douglas D-558I Skystreak at Edwards AFB. He also set the world altitude record of 83,235 ft. (1953) in the Douglas D-558II Skyrocket. Carl served as Chief Test Pilot for all carrier type aircraft for four years. He performed experimental test flights in 30 different "X"-model aircraft and propeller and jet aircraft. These included stability, control, performance and spin tests. He flew 260 different types and models of aircraft. When he retired in 1973, he had 14,000 flying hours. Aircraft tested by Carl include: XF-8F, XBTK, XBT2C, XBTC, XF-15C, XBTM, XHOS, XFJ, XFD, XF-7U, XF-8B, XF-3D, XHO3S, XF-4D, F-7F Series, ME-262, HNS, F-2G, F-8F, F-6U, F-2H, AF, FJ, P-59, P-80, D-558 I, D-558 II and the F-9F Series. Carl received Naval Air Test Pilot Training at the Naval Air Test Center. He has been honored with the Octave Chanute Award, Naval Carrier Aviation Test Pilot's Hall of Honor, Naval Aviation Hall of Honor, two Navy Crosses, five Distinguished Flying Crosses for significant achievement in experimental test flying, 14 Air Medals, four Legion of Merit Awards